Spiros Balios
What is necessary for all, is education
Mr Balios, has there been a time when you believed that Paros was in danger of getting trapped in the image of Mykonos, which defines it as the island of the newly rich?
If you’re asking for my personal opinion, I don’t think there is such a case. Basically there are two roles, the natives and the settlers. There is interaction between the two, which is not bad at all. The point is who is giving and who is taking and who will impose their manners and customs. What is necessary for all so we can move forward is education. The best thing a visitor could do would be to turn themselves into “natives”, explore and keep all that’s suitable for them and for the native to do their best.
Your many activities allow you to meet both natives and foreigners. Do you think there’s something in common amongst the ones who chose Paros to be their permanent home?
Yes, deep down there must be some kind of common philosophy, but I don’t think it can be logically explained. In heaven, this is what Paros is, one does not go using logical arguments or economic criteria. After all, what’s worth in Paros can’t be obtained with logic or money.
Would Paros be able to offer alternative forms of tourism which could make it attractive all year round?
Easily and fast. We’re not exactly aware of that, at least not all of us, yet. However we all agree that extending the tourist season is imperative, but we have not yet targeted our actions towards a collaborative goal. Our greatest drawback is that we don’t seem to realise the natural and historic value of the place we live in and we tend to cause destruction, mainly because of the lack of knowledge and some kind of Greek introversion.
Tell us about your music, the Delaparo and the Riga’s En Sample. Which world festival would you like to take part in?
It would be better if others talked about us. Music and dance is everything in our lives, even if some people don’t realise this. It’s a process which unifies us with our subconscious, it’s civilisation and therapy. What shall we say about the bands? Delaparo is a band which aims at entertainment. However, because age also asks for self expression, we’ve also put up the music group Rigas en Sample, so that we can have gigs exactly as we like them to be, not targeted to offering just entertainment.
Which of your dreams have not yet come true?
I often change dreams. However, a number of things I had in mind as a child have already come true, such as my recording studio. What has not come true most possibly has not yet been thought of.
How do you choose your friends?
I don’t think you can choose your friends. It occurs through common experiences with the other person and goes on throughout your life.
I have noticed, though, that as we grow older, those we regard as friends get fewer and fewer and it’s very difficult to find substitutes.
In the party of a lifetime which Greek or foreign people would you like to invite?
The concept of a party of a lifetime is not exactly my cup of tea. But we can interpret it in a different way. The best for every one of us might be to turn our lives into a never ending party. This way we can become creative, useful to ourselves and others. If we can’t create something what else is there for us to do?
P.S. you’re all invited!
Summer 2013