Routes in Marpissa 2024

Elements Unbroken - August 23, 24, 25

The elements of nature, the source of life, eternal allies, and sometimes adversaries of humanity have always shaped our journey on earth. Fire, air, earth, and water, universal symbols and driving forces of civilization, inspire the 14th Routes in Marpissa festival.

See the detailed program at:

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Ciné Enastron

Open air movie theatre

Cine Enastron is an open air movie theatre venue, for film watching under the stars. It is a screening and lecture venue for residents and visitors who search for that special magic that only a good movie can create under the stars and by the sea. The screenings begin at 21:00 and admission is free.

See the schedule here:

2024-06-26T14:01:21+00:00By |AGENDA|Comments Off on Ciné Enastron